Creative Coding with SVGs


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the clipPath element

A clipPath defines a region of an element thats visible. Once a clipPath has been applied, anything "outside" the clip path isn't drawn by the browser.

Here's a pattern with no clip path applied:

And here's the same pattern with a circular clip path applied:

The clipPath element

The clip path's shape is defined using the <clipPath> element, and the clip-path attribute, used by the element applying the clip path.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <defs> <clipPath id="circ_CP"> <circle cx="250" cy="250" r="150" /> </clipPath> ... </defs> <rect ... clip-path="url(#circ_CP)" />

clipPath attributes

id: Used to identify and apply the clip path

<clipPath id="clip-path-id">

clip-path: Used to apply the clip path

<rect ... clip-path="url(#clip-path-id)" />

The clipPath element can contain simple shapes, paths, or a combination thereof.