Creative Coding with SVGs

Square Particles

MatterJS codepen practice page

Square Particles

Let's update the example to use square instead of round particles. We'll need to change up both our initParticleGraphics and initParticleBodies slightly.

As we discussed when making the floor body in a prior lesson, rectangles in MatterJS are created in such a way that the x and y represent the center of gravity, as opposed to an svg rectangle, where the x and y represent the upper-left-hand corner of the shape.

Rectangle Positioning

To make them consistent, we'll create an svg rectangle and put it inside a group element, then shift the rectangle so that it's center lines up with the group element's origin.

Rectangle Centering

We'll need to create variables for the particles height and width:

1 2 3 4 5 6 const particleGraphics = []; const particleBodies = []; const numberOfParticles = 50; const particleWidth = 40; const particleHeight = 40;

In our initParticleGraphics method, we'll create a group element and our particle graphic. We'll set rectangle's x to -particleWidth/2, and the y to -particleHeight/2, so that it's center lines up with the center of it's parent group.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 function initParticleGraphics() { for (let i = numberOfParticles; i > 0; i--) { const particleHolder = document.createElementNS(namespace, "g"); const particleGraphic = document.createElementNS(namespace, "rect"); particleGraphic.setAttribute("x", -particleWidth/2); particleGraphic.setAttribute("y", -particleHeight/2); particleGraphic.setAttribute("width", particleWidth); particleGraphic.setAttribute("height", particleHeight); particleGraphic.setAttribute("fill", getRandomColor()); particleHolder.appendChild(particleGraphic); holder.appendChild(particleHolder); particleGraphics.push(particleHolder); } };

That should be it, right? But when we run our code, something looks a bit off:

Here's a version with the renderer, so you can see how the square particles are supposed to act:

The svg rectangles aren't acting like real particles - they keep the same orientation, and don't bounce around and rotate like a real rectangular particle would. There's a reasonable explaination - we haven't wired up the particles to rotate at all. Fortunately the rotation information is easy to get from our particle body. When we translate our graphic, we'll just make sure to set the rotation as well. We'll just need to change our update method like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 function update() { Engine.update(engine); // look at the particleBody position and update graphic position accordingly. particleGraphics.forEach((pg, index) => { const pos = particleBodies[index].position; const angle = particleBodies[index].angle; // the body angle property is in radians, so we need to convert it to degrees const degrees = (angle * 180) / Math.PI; pg.setAttribute( "transform", "translate(" + pos.x + " " + pos.y + ") rotate(" + degrees + ")" );}); window.requestAnimationFrame(update); };

And now it works!