Creative Coding with SVGs

2D Physics


Matter.JS is a popular javascript library used to simulate two-dimensional physics on web pages. While the library typically uses it's built-in renderer to draw graphics using the canvas element, we can also use it's physics engine to animate individual SVG elements.

Matter.JS modules

We'll use Matter JS to create " rigid bodies" - two-dimensional objects posessing size, shape, elasticity (bounciness), friction etc. Then we'll use these matterjs bodies to animate our svg elements.


The Bodies module allows us to create simpe shapes, like circles or rectangle, or complex shapes like polygons using a collection of points (vertices). Each body we create will have properties like position, speed, rotation, and velocity that we'll use to position our svg elements.


The Body module has methods that we can use to update the individual Bodies we create with the Matter.Bodies module. We can use it to do things like change a body's position and orientation, apply forces, and set velocities.


Once we define the bodies we'll use the Composite module to put them in a matter.js world, which can be thought of as a container for all of our rigid bodies.


This is where the magic happens. The engine calculates physical properties for all bodies contained in a world - properties like position, speed, velocity, and rotation - based on the world each body is contained in, and interactions with other bodies in that world.


Event module allows us to listen for important events, like collisions. For example, if you're building a game where you are trying to shoot down some flying objects, you'll need to be able to detect when the collision between your projectile and your target.


The Runner module is used to create an automatic update loop with the engine. Similar to window.requestAnimationFrame, it prompts the engine to re-calculate the position and orientation of each body in a world based upon a time delta. Since we can also just update the engine directly in the request animation frame, the Runner is optional.


"The Matter.Render module is a lightweight, optional utility which provides a simple canvas based renderer for visualising instances of Matter.Engine"